0325- man talking and repeating a phrase. sounded like "down you go"
0326- strumming a banjo and going into "Dueling Banjos"
0328- Man talking again and repeating phrase.
0329- end.
0333- back on with some weird music and siren and voices
0335- "No sex in the champagne room"
0340- country song and fading into another song that I don't recognize.
0345- woodpecker noise and voices
0347- how to waterproof electronics with condoms and other uses for condoms
0348- music
0349- Cool AM radio ID and music
0350- weird ufo noises over music
0351- blues guitar with weird voices
0353- "Because the Night" with funny woodpecker noise over it.
0357- new song
0400- I think I just heard Dr. M. L. King
0401- more music
0404- Paul Simon, "Call me Al"
0406- more music
0408- CoolAM Radio ID
0409- music with other stuff played over it.
0411- John Lennon "Imagine"
0415- CoolAM Radio ID
sounds like somebody is jamming
0418- more music
0430- Free radio spot
0431- the Turtles, "So happy together" Jamming seems to have taken a break.
www.freeradiocafe.com radio spot