I just did a search on "14108 amateur radio pirate", and what came up in Google included a report by an international ham radio pirate and intruder reporting organisation, which has quarterly or monthly reports on intrusions into the ham bands by non-ham stations.
I found these reports by accident a few months ago researching the 'chanting' Indonesian ham pirates that intrude into the bottom part of the 40 Meter CW band.
There are several PDFs that show up in Google, all from the same organisation. The PDF reports have a summary at top, and then reports from hams in different countries, showing the non-ham intruders they have monitored.
On most of them, 14108 shows up frequently, and mostly it seems to be Russian Military, mostly CW, and using various identifiers.
One identifier used was "9YZZ" (5-25-2014);, other IDs were "3QZD" and "5VPM" (hrd in France 5/13 & 5/14 around 0400 UTC or so). "GPOH" and "ZCWB" were also heard on this frequency by a guy in the Netherlands. There are probably more. As I type this, I'm still going through one of the PDF reports.
You can find the PDFs, which are quite long, on Google.
Apparently there is also an intruder chat website, hasn't been used in a while, but in 2011 a guy heard a H67N callsign on 14108 also:
http://peditio.net/intruder/chat/00002011.htmScroll down the list about halfway you'll see it.
So, if this is Russian Military, they obviously use a lot of different calls, and the rest of the CW is in codes (ciphers).