Head this station on 6930 USB from 03:24 to past 04:10 hrs. Initially this signal was quite strong, about s4 to s6, then gradually deteriorating to S1-S2 at 04:08 hrs. The program consisted of a call-in program, many of the woman, such as Julie, Alia, Cat Girl, Sally from California and even one fella calling in, who said that 14 people where listen to this broadcast. The Op did give out a phone number 1-415-349-3566 and e-mail too: loderadio.com (@03:40 hrs.) The range of topics was about his military service, Craig's list,visiting Holland, Germany etc. Some what a interesting program but would have been nice if the OP inserted some music to break-up the conversations?
Edward Kusalik in Daysland, Alberta......
My apologizes for posting this some what...............