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Author Topic: Generation Wild 100 6925 USB *0158 UTC 26July14  (Read 4020 times)


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Re: Generation Wild 100 6925 USB *0158 UTC 26July14
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2014, 1110 UTC »
SDR Recording, very strong into GA, good audio. 0200 UTC

Offline ByteBORG

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Re: Generation Wild 100 6925 USB *0158 UTC 26July14
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2014, 1259 UTC »
SDR Recorder Catch

SINPO at start: 44434
Nice healthy S9+15 to 20 signal at start of program into Northern Illinois.

0158 - S/On - "Radio for the Rest of Us" - "Get Your WILD On"
          very identifiable, and nice sign-on to see in the waterfall...
          nice job by the announcer and the whole intro...
0202 - Into a program of cool jazz...
0216 - Canned ID AS "Generation WILD 100".
          Also ID's at 0246, 0250, 0300, 0305
0310 - Final canned ID
0310 - S/Off - QRT

SINPO at finish: 44423
Fading was more pronounced towards the end of the program.
Your signal was great tonight, it rivaled others on the band at times.
Thanks for the jazz.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 1400 UTC by ByteBORG »
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