V24 (South Korean numbers station, female voice, Korean language, groups of 5 numbers, musical lead-in) activity seems greatly reduced, I hope it is not going the way of M94 (V24's Morse code sister station that stopped transmissions in late 2013). This month I monitored all time slots and all known V24 frequencies, attempting to update my V24 schedule. I found fewer transmissions this month than when I put together the current schedule. Since some V24 transmissions are tied to the month (some time slots are even months, other are odd months) the schedule cannot be close to complete until after monitoring 2 complete months of activity, I will put it out at the end of next month. I only copied 6 transmissions total for the month of August, 2014
I did have more time this month to look for additional V24 frequencies, and did not locate one. Of course that does not mean there is not one, however I think it less likely now than before.
Another note, I did not log a single transmission on the relatively new frequency of 5290 kHz.
V24 Logs:
6310 kHz, 1430z, August 5, 2014, Token, TUE
6215 kHz, 1330z, August 6, 2014, Token, WED
6310 kHz, 1430z, August 6, 2014, Token, WED
6310 kHz, 1430z, August 15, 2014, Token, FRI
6215 kHz, 1300z, August 26, 2014, Token, TUE
4900 kHz, 1530z, August 31, 2014, Token, SUN