From Glenn Hauser's DXLD email list:
** CANADA. Now for some good news for a change! Steve Canney, who is the QSL manager for CFRX, tells us that the transmitter, which had been off the air for quite a while, has been repaired and is running into a dummy load to make sure everything is working properly. The plan is to switch it over to the antenna next week. Hopefully, it will be heard despite RHC having recently taken over its 6070 frequency. Now, wouldn't it be a show of good faith on the part of RHC to move to another frequency? (Mark Coady, Sept 22, ODXA YRX via DXLD)
RHC is scheduled 23-04 UT. Other main 6070 clash is V. of Korear in Japanese, 0900-1250 (maybe with breaks before hourtops). Aoki also shows R. Capital, Rio, Brasil, 24h but I don`t think it`s active. And VOA São Tomé at 2000-2030 only, not a problem over here (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Posted by: Glenn Hauser <>