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Author Topic: Pirate Radio Superlatives  (Read 975 times)

Offline OldSeaRock

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Pirate Radio Superlatives
« on: September 30, 2014, 1734 UTC »
Well done article by Andrew Yoder in The Spectrum Monitor October 2014 issue.

Here's the lead-in:

Pirate Radio Superlatives
By Andrew Yoder

Over the years, radio listeners have asked Andrew, “Who was the first pirate?” or, “Who was the first pirate to broadcast
from a ship?” Unlike Major League Baseball, which has kept meticulous records for more than a century, pirate radio is a
largely empty record book, with few dots to connect. But this article isn’t cast in bronze, like the plaques at the Baseball Hall
of Fame. It’s more like the senior superlatives from your old high school yearbook. Andrew has been researching old loggings,
newsletters, magazines, and books for information and here are a few of the things he’s found.............  

I'm not connected to The Spectrum Monitor other than being a subscriber.

Thanks, Andrew!  Good information and look forward to the next one.
eQsl appreciated:  theoldsearock@yahoo.com
Listening on & off since 1968.  Howdy from Tejas!


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