1600z "Cocaine" Eric Clapton
1604z "Music Makes the Difference" ID
1605z Girls Just Want to Have Fun" Cyndi Lauper
1609z ID "Playing the Greatest Hits, one record at a Time"
1613z ID w/email
1613z "Twilight Zone" Golden Earring
1623z ID w/email
1625z Shoutouts LIVE over Moody Blues song [Thank You!!!]
Love your playlist & the Knights song is perhaps one of my 5 alltime favorite songs!!!
1627z Had a carrier briefly take you out for about a minute, slightly up frequency but dropped quickly
1639z ID w/email
1643z ID w/email, into "Down in the Boondocks" Billy Joe Royal
1647z ID
1719z ID w/"close down"
1720z "I'll Be Back" /off
Most excellent show!!!
Nice signal overall with some fades but solid!!!
***1645z Signal starting to dive in heavy fades, as you said, band likely starting to close!
s6-7 peak @1615z
s9 @1649z!!!
Thank you so much for the show SV!!!