It's 2141 UTC and the 49 meter band is starting to open up for Europe. I'm hearing 6200 KHZ fading in and out of the noise floor with music.
2200 UTC Signal up to S5 here with great audio...some fading.
2220 UTC Solid S7 now with fairly good copy on announcements. Wish I was more up to date on the European popular music scene
(The Laser Hot Hits announcer talks really fast

Lots of shoutouts between songs to listeners! Also IDing as Laser Hot Hits INTERNATIONAL

2235 UTC "Love Train"-O'Jays
2238 UTC "Boys of Summer"-Don Henley
(There, that's 2 songs in a row this old timer ID'd)
2340 UTC Just checked back in and signal seems to have dropped a bit into the noise with more fading than before, but still quite listenable at S5 peaks
2347 UTC "My Sharona"-The Knack
2352 UTC "Why Can't We Be Friends"-War
0028 UTC "Losing My Religion"-REM
0211 UTC Signal is amazing right now! Solid S9 with 100% copy of LHH DJ's talk! Song at 0213 UTC is like a local now. NICE!
(A quick check of the NOAA prop conditions show that the sun has quieted down rather nicely!)
Time to hit the sack....thanks for the LHH relay today RMI!!! It is appreciated