6926.4 USB
2156z: KIPM opening, Elkhorn mail drop, just barely audible, can't tell which episode.
2200z: "Life is full of surprises... hotel room... dressing for my first bull fight..." description of matador's costume. "...tripped and was impaled on an umbrella stand...", seems to have drifted up to 6926.5 USB.
2207z: "The psychosis has advanced significantly..."
2209z: Reports of mermaids seen in scuba gear swimming with salmon.
2212z: Narrative describes children playing, fantasies about strange jack-in-the-box received as gift. (I recall having heard this episode once before.)
2239z: Much stronger peaks and fewer deep fades since 2230z.
2248z: Closing ID, "Final Descent Into Madness" episode title.
Fair signal peaks, many fades to barely audible, not too much local noise.