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Author Topic: Radio pakistan 11570kHz, 0145Z 11/15/14  (Read 1310 times)

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Radio pakistan 11570kHz, 0145Z 11/15/14
« on: November 15, 2014, 0259 UTC »
I've been trying for this one for months, no joy.  Tonight, entirely on a whim, I tuned to 11570 (I have the worst time remembering what frequency Pakistan's supposed to be on on 25 meters) and oh my gosh!  This is what I logged: 

11570, Radio Pakistan, 0145-0210.  Programming consisted of talk by a male presenter, interspersed with recitation from the Koran.  One possible mention of Afghanistan.  Signal fair at first, fading to weak by the hour.  Entirely gone by 0210.  Audio suffering from distortion/muffling, Koran recitation somewhat clearer than speech.  SINPO 32233. 

Boggle, boggle, B-O-G-G-L-E! 

Booming Sri Lanka on 11905 and nearly as strong India on 11620, RWM on 9997 (yay!) and this one... I'd call that a successful night's DX, even if I'm now doing the frozen finger fandango.  It's worth it. 

I am *so* QSLing this one...  :) 
Madison, WI, U.S.A. 
Tecsun PL-660, Yaesu FT60R handheld, and Realistic DX-398 (back up and running!) 
QSL's appreciated 

There's a geeklady turning that dial!
SWLer, MWLer, LW and HF beaconeer, technician class ham, DXer of all bands and program listener. 
RNW forever.


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