Thought I heard Frankenstein by Edgar Winter, followed by an UNID song with pesky QRM
Hmmm, I'm hearing a girl group tune now at 0108 UTC. Damn peskies
0112 UTC Signal picked up nicely over the last minute....lady singer with UNID pop tune
(strong enough to tune in better...I changed subject to 6924.2!)
0118 UTC Lady? Announcer gave email address, but I could only make out the ? part
(I listened back on the recording and a lady announcer gave an ID during Frankenstein, and again after Frankenstein, before the first song. Just can't make it hearing is a little raw from using a high powered gas leaf blower all afternoon
EDIT: Now that my ears have recovered, I relistened this morning and I'm sure the ID is Hot Legs Radio, and the email is