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Author Topic: New FTA on Optus C1/D3  (Read 3392 times)

Offline dxextra

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New FTA on Optus C1/D3
« on: December 11, 2014, 1022 UTC »
EXPO Channel 12276 H 27801 PID 1011 SD mpeg 1
Foxtel Help 12437 H 27801 H PID 1051 SD mpeg-1
TVSN 12477 H 27800 PID 1081 SD mpeg1
D3 Tune 11927 V 30002 PID 801 mpeg1 SD
Al Jazeera 12135 V 27801 PID 1121 SD mpeg1
ABC 1 12176 V 27800 PID 1011 SD mpeg1
ABC 1 Multiple entries on same TP PID 1072, 1061, 1051, 1041, 1021. All different regional ABCs.
ABC2/ ABC 4 12176 V 27800 PID 1081 SD mpeg1
ABC3 12176 27800 V PID 1092 SD mpeg1
Optus Test 12406 V 24451 PID 481 SD mpeg1
VAST INFO 12646 V 30002 PID 801 SD H246
VAST INFO 2 12646 V 30002 PID 804 SD H246
Triple J 12176 V 27800
ABC NEWS RADIO 12176 V 27800
Double J 12176 V 27800
ABC JAZZ 12176 V 27800
ABC Brisbane 12176 V 27800
ABC Classic 12176
ABC Radio National 12176
ABC Nth Qld 12176
ABC West 12176
702ABC Syd 12176
ABCLocalNSW 12176
774ABC Melb 12176
ABC Regnl Darwin 12176
891ABC Adel 12176
ABC Local SA 12176
ABCLocal WA 12176
ABC Goldfields WA 12176
720ABCPerth 12176
Kind Regards,
Rob Wise
Hobart Radio International - The Voice of Tasmania
North Hobart, 7002 Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Web: hriradio.org Twitter: @hobartradiointl F: facebook.com/dxextra


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