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Author Topic: 15710 Khz USB 1619 UTC 12/06/2014  (Read 3991 times)

Offline ka1iic

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15710 Khz USB 1619 UTC 12/06/2014
« on: December 11, 2014, 1631 UTC »
15710 Khz USB 1619 UTC 12/06/2014  signal was S7 to 8.

Audio file is here:


Image file is here:

This signal is intermittent maybe be heard once an hour or less or several bursts can be heard within a much less time.
73 Vince

"If you can't be anything, you can at least be annoying"

Troy, Ohio. 20m Vertical & low long wire E/W, Yaesu FT-187ND, SDRplay 2, Ratt Shack 2 meter rig, and other little bits of electronics I'm not talking about, homebrewed and otherwise... so there bleech!

Offline Token

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Re: 15710 Khz USB 1619 UTC 12/06/2014
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2014, 2005 UTC »
This is improperly tuned MIL-STD 188-144A ALE, Automatic Link Establishment.  Because it is not tuned correctly I cannot say who it is, but I assume it is on the FEMA F50 frequency of 15708 kHz USB, so it is probably a FEMA station.

What you have here was likely a "sounding", a transmission sent so that all the stations in a network can know the current status of a potential link on that specific frequency.

Here is an example of the same kind of signal correctly tuned:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKlLW_J8kEU

« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 2035 UTC by Token »
Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline ka1iic

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Re: 15710 Khz USB 1619 UTC 12/06/2014
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2014, 2109 UTC »
Thank you Token... I knew you'ld have an answer :-)  kudos!
73 Vince

"If you can't be anything, you can at least be annoying"

Troy, Ohio. 20m Vertical & low long wire E/W, Yaesu FT-187ND, SDRplay 2, Ratt Shack 2 meter rig, and other little bits of electronics I'm not talking about, homebrewed and otherwise... so there bleech!


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