On suddenly at 1347 UTC with an instrumental techno tune, into a song I call the *"Maxwell House Dance tune"...sounds like a techno coffee pot perking to the beat
1353 UTC A different instrumental techno dance tune...
6934.4 KHZ AM with excellent audio...S3-S5 signal and some deep fades into the noise.
1357 UTC Same music as at 1347 repeated.
1402 UTC OFF
*I think the name of this song might be "Popcorn"
Per Wikipedia music clips, the opening music is "Alex F"-Crazy Frog, and the second song is "Popcorn"-Hot Butter. I guess the song at 1353 UTC will have to be Shazam'd later....
Thanks for the xmtr test whoever you are....sounds good!
EDIT:Thanks JFarley! Seems this has been logged a few times over the last couple years. Sooo...I guess the first 2 songs are Crazy Frog remixes and the last one is an original. Uhhh...QSL sil vous plait?