Radio Mushroom here at 2333 UTC with S8 signal on 6930 KHZ USB playing "LA Woman"-Doors
2334 UTC Man announcer with "This is Radio Mushroom"...something burning...too many googlewatts...
2335 UTC "Come Together"-Beatles
2339 UTC Man announcer with "You are listening to Radio Mushroom broadcasting from a nuclear reactor near you" addition to the smoke...bells and whistles going off...we create a mushroom
2340 UTC "Barracuda"-Heart
2344 UTC Man announcer with "This is Radio Mushroom"...We're going to more time...
2345 UTC OFF
Had to post this late as I was downloading some music with my dial up connection! Thanks for the show Radio Mushroom op! I'm going outside now to see if there are any ominous looking mushroom clouds outside