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Author Topic: UNID 6925 AM 2321 UTC 24 Apr 2015  (Read 766 times)

Offline ByteBORG

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UNID 6925 AM 2321 UTC 24 Apr 2015
« on: April 25, 2015, 0008 UTC »
SDR Recording Catch while having dinner

2321 - Hearing an intermittent carrier - S7
2322 - "Hello Test 1,2" repeated a couple of times - S9+15
2323 - now someone whistling into the mike - S9+15
2325 - and POW, it hit me... a carrier S9+20 with sidebands tones of 700 kHz
          either side for about 10 seconds... off for about 20 seconds...
2326 - and again, at almost -25dB !
2327 - off
2328 - "Hello Test 1, 2, 3" repeated a couple of times

Test passed here with flying colors.
Did anyone else get this?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2015, 0027 UTC by ByteBORG »
+ Always listening for that elusive RF...
+ microtelecom Perseus / FunCube Dongle Pro+ / FT450-D / FT101-D
+ RF Sys EMF  / RF Sys MLB w/Long Wire / HomeBrew Inverted "V" cut for 43 mtrs.
+ 73 & Good DX !!!
+ Please eQSL to: s<dot>csiki<at>comcast<dot>net


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