When packing up my YB 400 for a trip to the hills, I noticed that the alkaline batteries had corroded and left a fair amount of salt in the battery compartment. I tossed the batteries, dusted out the compartment, and put new batteries in. I used the radio all day Sat, and it worked wonderfully.
Sunday morning, however, the bottom row of keys would only be recognized as "6", and the other keys were also jumbled up. I opened her up and cleaned all the button contacts (finding a few flakes of salt here and there). Put it back together and things are still wonky. I suspect a bit of the battery salt has deposited somewhere I can't see, liquified in the high humidity, and is shorting something out.
I'm thinking a good cleaning of the circuit board might be the next step. What are thoughts on using crc spray vs distilled water & isopropanol? My thought is that distilled water would be the best at dissolving any leftover battery salt, but getting water off the board afterwards would be a pain (hence the alcohol)