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Author Topic: 6910 USB 0015-0035z Sounds like a MARS QSO between 5R3 and 5RD  (Read 1208 times)

Offline zoofer

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Informal SSB communications between Five Romeo Three and Five Romeo Delta discussing comm centers, staff duty officers, and message movements. Sounds very much like a MARS QSO, but I was unaware that MARS was still in operation. Both stations 57-59 in Iowa.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2015, 0033 UTC by zoofer »
W0VP hamming it up since 1974!
SWL since 1971!
QTH Eastern Missouri near St. Louis
Primary receiver: Afedri-Net SDR using SDR Console v3
Also SDRPlay RSP1A, Airspy HF+ Discovery
Cross Country Wireless loop antenna 3' off the ground.
Also Sony ICF-2010, Radio Shack DX-398, Kaito KA1103


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