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Author Topic: Voice of Hope (VOH) has recently been heard on the frequency 4885 kHz  (Read 1891 times)

Offline Oliver

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Did anyone observe the new frequency (4885kHz) yet?

The South Korean Clandestine Station VOH has recently been heard on the frequency 4885 kHz.
Industry rumors speak about the purchase of new broadcasting technology in the US and the establishment of a new previously unknown transmission site,
which is intended to complement the existing transmitter in the prefecture of Gyeonggi-do.

The acronym VOH refers to "Voice of Hope". More common is the Korean long form of the name (e-Huimang Meari pangsong-Imnida) which translates in English as "Echo of Hope".

VOH is operated by South Korean secret service "NIS" for decades now and under its present name since 1973.
Previously, (when the first broadcast was, is not known), they claimed that they are "the voice of reunification".

Established frequencies of VOH are 3985, 6003, 6250 and 6348 kHz. They are jammed by North Korea.
The new, fifth currently possibly irregularly operated frequency seems to have not yet been discovered by the North Korean authorities.
Whether it is all about in the long-term operation, remains to be seen.

Besides VOH sends the NIS since 1986, also a second radio program.
Its announcement is usually reported in the English literature as "Voice of the People".
These broadcasts, which are also jammed from North Korea, are currently running at 3480, 3912, 4557, 6518 and 6600 kHz.

Source: http://www.radioeins.de/programm/sendungen/medienmagazin/radio_news/beitraege/2015/voh.html
RX: Elad FDM-S2, Grundig Satellit 700
Ant.: HDLA 3 (Active Loop)@315°, EWE@270°, ALA 100LN, MiniWhip
QTH: JO31 (Germany)

Please send eqsl to: oliverinusa[at]yahoo.de

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Carrier at 1212z, no audio. The lower bands are terrible here this morning, I can't even hear the A beacon on 2097.

I do have Korea on 6518 and 6600 however.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
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