Band conditions seem to be all over the place, but I've been hearing some DX.
26715 AM - The usual busy, overmodulated signals. I'm hearing one station from 26715 splattering nearly 1 MHz up and 1 MHz down the band.
26735 AM - Somebody asking for a radio check
26875 AM - "How about it, 814?"
26885 AM - Truckers, English language, Midwestern US accents
26905 AM - Taxi dispatch, Spanish language, heavy fading w/bleedover from 26915 AM
26915 AM - Very busy, Southern US accents. Stations in Georgia, Carolinas, "Channel Cat", "Running Bear" and various other handles heard
26955 AM - YL talking, Southern US accents. Other stations down in the noise
27025 AM - CB Channel 6 - The Superbowl. Very busy with strong overmodulated signals.
27085 AM - CB Channel 11 - Stations from Tennessee, Georgia, very busy, similar to 27025 AM
27125 AM - CB Channel 14 - Truckers
27185 AM - CB Channel 19 - S7 to S9 heterodyne QRM, hearing various stations on peaks but mostly just a mess
27195 AM - R/C Channel, a.k.a. "Channel 19A" - Several stations in Atlanta talking to each other, S9+30 signal strength
27205 AM - CB Channel 20 - Very busy, similar to 27025 and 27085
27225 AM - CB Channel 22 - "Panama City Florida" and other stations
27265 AM - CB Channel 26 - AM DX Calling Frequency, very busy
27285 AM - CB Channel 28 - AM DX Calling Frequency, not as busy as 27265
27325 AM - CB Channel 32 - "144 Tampa Bay Florida"
27385 LSB - CB Channel 38 - SSB DX Calling Frequency, lots of stations from Southern USA
27395 LSB - CB Channel 39 - Similar to 27385 LSB, common channel to QSY from 38
27405 AM - CB Channel 40 - "Big 51 they call me the Skullcracker" with a Spanish speaking YL down in the background
27430 USB - Spanish language
27455 USB - Spanish language
27475 LSB - "Yeah so I've got 'em pointed different directions, over" - stations discussing building antennas
27505 AM - Truckers, likely US based, talking about traffic conditions
27515 USB - Spanish language, very weak (not the usual taxicab dispatcher on 27515 AM)
27555 USB - International Calling Frequency