Thanks scagnettie2.0

Here are some of my other XPA logs from last's tx sched. is mostly Tue. & Thur. UTC. I use scheduling software with my receiver to catch these guys in the middle of the night & then edit down the audio files later.
10327khz 0700z-0702z 02/16
11620khz 0720z-0722z 02/16
13427khz 0740z-0742z 02/16
8123khz 1900z-1904z 02/16
5891khz 2100z-2103z 02/16
5268khz 2120z-2123z 02/16
4572khz 2140z-2143z 02/16
11620khz 0720z-0724z 02/19
13427khz 0740z-0744z 02/19
5891khz 2100z-2103z 02/19
5268khz 2120z-2123z 02/19
4572khz 2140z-2143z 02/19