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Author Topic: 11 meter DX Logs 11 Febuary 2016 1700 UTC +  (Read 1582 times)

Offline R4002

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11 meter DX Logs 11 Febuary 2016 1700 UTC +
« on: February 11, 2016, 1801 UTC »
More Latin American DX rolling in late morning/early afternoon:

26225 USB - Spanish language, strong signals
26235 USB - Spanish language
26305 AM - Spanish language, weak
26365 AM - Spanish language, fading
26375 AM - Spanish language, similar to 26585 AM...lots of roger beeps, etc
26405 AM - Spanish language
26555 LSB - Latin American SSB Calling Freq.  See also, 27455 USB
26585 AM - Mexican AM Calling Channel.  Lots of stations with beeps, music, echo, etc
26605 AM - Spanish language QSO
26635 AM - YL talking, Spanish, possibly taxi
26665 AM - Spanish language, very strong
26715 AM - Puerto Rico, the usual strong signals
26735 AM - US Truckers - channel 19 (27185) down one band (-450 kHz)
26765 AM - "73s from 303 in the tree, we'll see y'all later"
26775 AM - English language, Southern US accents
26815 AM - Similar to 26765 and 26775
26905 AM - Taxi Dispatch Lady YL Spanish Language S9 signal with music under her voice and roger beep
26915 AM - Southern US AM DX channel, active
26945 AM - Strong data signal
26965-27405 - US Legal CB band.  Also known as "mid band" "FCC band" "CEPT band" or "Legal 40"
27425 AM - Spanish language, YL talking with OM
27455 LSB - English language
27455 USB - Spanish language (see also - 26555 LSB)
27475 USB - Spanish language (with QRM from 27480 LSB)
27480 LSB - Southern US Stations having QSO, with QRM from 27475 USB
27505 AM - Truckers
27645 LSB - Spanish language, discussion about stations in Mexico (10 division mentioned)
27665 USB - Spanish language
27690 LSB- Spanish language
27695 LSB - Spanish language
27765 USB - Spanish language
27775 AM - Spanish language, possibly taxis
27805 AM - Spanish language, weak but there's a carrier there
27815 AM - YL Taxicab dispatcher
27845 AM - YL Taxicab dispatcher
27875 AM - Spanish language, weak
27935 AM - YL Taxicab dispatcher, with elaborate roger beep/noise toys
27965 AM - Spanish language, lots of stations on this freq
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 2112 UTC by R4002 »
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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