You make some very interesting points, ED. This is one of the weirdest "pirates" I've heard. It's still going on and on, 0721z...
further, i just thought of this additional comment but decided to just post it instead of editing my post.
we all know the FCC has had severe budget and staff cuts and the end result has been steep priority levels based on the level of importance when it comes to "shutting down" a radio pirate.
i believe "pirates" in the SW band arent as "high priority" to the FCC unlike FM "pirates", they will only respond if the SW "pirate" is causing major severe interference (to anything) on an ongoing continuing basis.
for obvious reasons, SWBC stations dont care if a pirate is "stealing" their listeners like FMBC stations do.
i believe its the FCC's idea and intent to "stomp" or "disrupt" SW "pirates" by simply permitting SWBC stations to broadcast on or near the frequencies used by SW "pirates".
this would make total economical sense for the FCC who already has a thin budget to begin with but, i believe many SW "pirates" will simply move to "elsewhere" frequencies though "elsewhere" frequencies should be chosen very carefully, because if a SW pirate is causing interference to another assigned operator on or near that frequency (or causing interference of any kind), this would give the FCC a valid reasonable request to "up the budget" in locating and shutting down that "pirate" causing the interference (remember priority level and level of importance).
instead of wasting what little resources are available to "catch" a SW "pirate", why not open the band up to high power SWBC instead ?
it may be tough to hear WRMI at night but i suspect daytime operations (NVIS) will be much different.