0048- hearing music also S3
0054- XLR8 ID into another tune OM vocal S3-4
0100- rock song
0122- song "I Can't Wait" ? then ID
0133- slow XLR8 ID
0142- rock song OM vocal
0205- rock song
0211- signal down in the noise now along with heavy peskie QRM
0225- signal back up to S3 with XLR8 ID into music
0244- electronica music then ID
0259- "Mexican Radio" Wall Of Voodoo
0301- OM with "Accelerate" ID then a dance beat
0311- rock song then a punk rock song
0314- ID
0321- hard driving punk rock music (sounds like Jello Biafra but not positive)
0326- more hard core punk rock
0333- "Take The Power Back" Rage Against The Machine
0336- "Too Drunk To Fuck" Dead Kennedys

thank you XLR8! S3-4 and very little noise
0338- ID
0342- more Dead Kennedys music

0352- punk rock song
0417- pop tune YL vocal
0430- hearing music still but down in the noise
0432- ID
0445- "Ching Chime" Serj Tankian signal back up to S3-4
0448- "Distinct Complicity" Bikini Kill (per Shazam)
0452- "I Wish" Skee-Lo
0456- ID and SSTV Scottie DX mode (was a bit late on the decode)
0458- another SSTV Scottie 2 mode
0459- punk rock tune OM vocals
0504- back down in the noise with music
0507- electronica music rising out of the noise S3-4
0517- ID into "Mr Tough" Yo La Tengo (per Shazam)
0525- ID then off.
Thanks for the show! Can you play some Dead Kennedys? If the tune at 0321 UTC was The Dead Kennedys thanks! I couldn't tell for sure.

Marathon broadcast with a wide variety of great music tonight

Thank you for the SSTVs XLR8...my first ones from you! I appreciate it