Copied over from previous postings Re; Wolverine Radio
0145 - SSTV & announced QSY to 4015 khz, I'll give that a try after I listen for DigiDX from Germany on 6070 at 0200 UTC...
0200 - QSY to 4015 kHz Brief operator chatter, then unk OM vocal mx. Solid S9 copy. FYI: No joy on Germany on 6070, CFRX is on that freq.
0212 - QSY to 4020
0216 - SSTV after this mx. I keep MMSSTV always running so I'm ready
0221 - Heart of Gold. Oh, yes, Neil Young is always good to hear! Thanks!
0358 & 0407 - Chain of Fools
Hey, OM, are you sure that's just Cabernet Sauvignon Wink that you're partaking of? Do you have an e-mail address handy? I can send you some screen prints from the SDR-IQ and they will give you a good idea of how well your signal is being received here. They are too large to post on here. When I switch to the venerable R-70, the S-meter gives you only ~S7 on peaks but it's still "armchair copy".
0429 - Black Betty
{final edit}
0638 - What Will We Do with the Drunken Sailor, instrumental. Signal beginning to fade
0642 - Repeat of 0635 SSTV and s/off?
Thanks for a great show tonight! Time for some Zzzzzs....