For the last couple of weeks both M97 and V30 have been copiable in Europe for the few times they have transmitted. As ever with this station, the frequency and mode are the only things that are really fixed. Well, and the message, it would seem.
The start time is approximate and appears to be tied to a computer clock that drifts slowly. The start time for M97 is currently about 1453:50, and slowly shifting later each day it is active. The start time for V30 is currently about 1553:50 UTC and slowly shifting later each day it is active.
The days of operation are scattered. It might transmit every day for a few days, and then go weeks, or months, without transmitting. I believe I have recorded almost every transmission it has made since it was discovered, with only one or two missed in that time, and I can see no pattern to when it transmits and when it does not.
Typically if M97 does not transmit at ~1500 then V30 will not transmit at ~1600, however V30 has transmitted on a few days when M97 was not present. And M97 being present at ~1500 does not mean that V30 will, for sure, transmit at ~1600.
Neither station will generally transmit on Sunday, however both have done so at least one time.