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Author Topic: Radio Tanzania Zanzibar 11735 AM 1930 UTC 25May16  (Read 1272 times)

Offline jFarley

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Radio Tanzania Zanzibar 11735 AM 1930 UTC 25May16
« on: May 25, 2016, 1943 UTC »
May fave afternoon listen in at poor level as contrasted with the last couple of years which yielded reception often reaching S9+10 with the relatively higher sunspot activity.  Nevertheless, occasional peaks making soukous and East African rumba enjoyable while melting solder.

2000 5+1 TOH pips, pres ID (sev ments Tanzania), brief interlude of taarab, then YL talk
2020 Up to a respectable S7 now, but occas QRM from a wideband ute; program of classical taarab
2100 off abruptly per usual
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 2104 UTC by jFarley »
Joe Farley, Near Chicago
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QSLS appreciated to:    jfarley44@att.net

Offline Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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Re: Radio Tanzania Zanzibar 11735 AM 1930 UTC 25May16
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 0903 UTC »
May fave afternoon listen in at poor level as contrasted with the last couple of years which yielded reception often reaching S9+10 with the relatively higher sunspot activity.  Nevertheless, occasional peaks making soukous and East African rumba enjoyable while melting solder.

2000 5+1 TOH pips, pres ID (sev ments Tanzania), brief interlude of taarab, then YL talk
2020 Up to a respectable S7 now, but occas QRM from a wideband ute; program of classical taarab
2100 off abruptly per usual

I'm up in Alaska, 300 miles west of Fairbanks in what's considered the central interior and I can hear The Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation on 11735khz daily.. somedays poor, often fair at best. But some days, it is very very listenable.

Like here on April 21, 2016 at 1650UTC

Or like this on April 18 at 1652UTC
Paul B. Walker, Jr.

Program Director: KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska www.kskopublicradio.com

Afternoon Air Talent: Hits 106 KLMI Laramie, WY 3 to 7pm Mon-Sat www.myhits106.com

Available for voiceover work, use the email listed above!


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