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Author Topic: Radio Northern Ireland via Mike Radio 6265 USB 1948 UTC 6/9/16 (via Twente SDR)  (Read 511 times)


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1948- OM with RNI ID into SSTV  S7-8
1954- "Pretty Girls I Don't Know Anymore" 18 Carat Affair per Shazam
1956- "Pizza Day" Esprit per Shazam
1957- "Tell Me Why" Krishna Rose per Shazam then RNI ID and email address for reports
1958- OM talking into "Teen Pregnancy" Blank Banshee per Shazam
2004- Lincolnshire Poacher music
2007- SSTV
2011- off.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 2012 UTC by JoeFLIPS »


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