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Author Topic: QSL News  (Read 1476 times)

Offline Daniel Wyllyans

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QSL News
« on: June 10, 2016, 1946 UTC »
QSL TWR Europe -Trans World Radio - Via Roumoules, France - Kabyle service 1467 kHz

TWR Europe -Trans World Radio - Via Roumoules, France - Kabyle service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, via remote receiver located in The Natherlands. - Date: May 23, 2016; between 2118 - 2145 UTC, on the frequency of 1467 KHz (MW) - SINPO: 45333 (regular signal) - Equipment utilized: Computer connected with Web SDR system (Remote receiver located in the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, and Antenna Mini-Whip, PAORTD) - Received e-QSL, and e-mail from Mr. Kalman Dobos, in just 11 days, after sent RR by email (Date of response: June 03, 2016).- V/S: Kalman Dobos - QTH: kdobos@twr.org

José Maranhão /  QSL SHOW
QSL Denge Kurdistane 11600 kHz
Mi primera QSL, en mi segunda etapa de diexista, despues de 12 años de no enviar informes, hoy recibo esta maravilla de Denge Kurdistane. 11600 Khz, recibida en 3 dias, direcion para el informe: prtc@idknet.com

Jose Hernandez Madrid / QSL Show
QSL Radio Ukraine International via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL) 11580 kHz
QSL Radio Ukraine International via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL) 11580 kHz
Radio Ukraine International via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL) was logged on 5 March 2016, on the short-wave frequency of 11.580 kHz, from 23.30 till 00.00 UTC. Reception report was emailed and posted to Radio Ukraine International in subsequent days. QSL card arrived in the mail from Ukraine on 20 May 2016.
M Breyel / QSL addresses
QSL Trans World Radio Europe 9470 kHz
EQSLs received from Trans World Radio Europe's last transmissions on SW! Report sent to kdobos@twr.org
Jose Jacob / ‎QSL addresses
QSL Radio Tirana 7465 kHz
Radio Tirana, in a French language broadcast from Shijak (Albania) was received
on 24 March 2016, from 18.40 till 19.00 UTC (broadcast time 18.30 till 19.30 UTC).
News and comment, along with at least one Albanian song, was observed during this half hour broadcast, followed by station interval and Italian language programme. Reception on 7.465 kHz was (SINPO) 24332 -- weak to fair signal with fading under atmospheric noise, otherwise clear and audible; reception worsened after 18.55 UTC and signal was much
weaker with longer periods of fading, but still audible. Reception report was emailed the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 21 April 2016
M Breyel / QSL addresses
QSL VMC Charlesville,Queensland /Australia 12365 kHz / 8113 kHz
VMC Charlesville,Queensland
1 kw was logged here in Jeddah,SaudiArabia on 12365 kHz in USB mode from 1340 UTC on 15/04/2016 with marine weather forecast and the reception report with audio files were emailed to customerservice@bom.gov.au.Within 15 days, was received this full data e QSL with the letter sent by OM Niel Modi.
This is my second EQSL from Australian Marine weather broadcast.My first one from VMW Wiluna on 8113 kHz.
Shaikh Jawahar ‎/ QSL addresses
QSL Radio Reach Beyond - Via Kununurra, Australia 9625 kHz

Radio Reach Beyond - Via Kununurra, Australia - Bahasa Indonesia service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in May 21, 2016; between 2200 - 2218 UTC, on the frequency of 9625 KHz (31 m.) - SINPO: 35333, (No interference detected from other station) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660, and antenna long wire, with 12, 5 meters (External). - Received e-QSL - (Date of response: June 07, 2016) Response in 17 days, after sent reception report, by e-mail.- V/S: Shelley Martin - QTH's : info@reachbeyond.org / techinfo@hcjb.org

‎José Maranhão‎ / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL Radio Akhbar Mufriha - Via Woofferton, UK 7300 kHz

Radio Akhbar Mufriha - Via Woofferton, UK - Arabic service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in June 05, 2016; between 2130 - 2145 UTC, on the frequency of 7.300 KHz (41m.) - SINPO: 55544, (Very good signal) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660, and antenna long wire, with 12, 5 meters (External). - Received e-QSL - (Date of response: June 08, 2016) Response in 03 days, after sent reception report, by e-mail.- V/S: Mr. Daniel Berger - QTH's : akhbarmufriha@outlook.com / email@akhbarmufriha.com
José Maranhão‎ para DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL Alcaraván Radio - Via Puerto LLeras, Meta, Colombia 5910 kHz

Alcaraván Radio - Via Puerto LLeras, Meta, Colombia - Spanish service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in June 06, 2016; between 2330 - 0002 UTC, on the frequency of 5.910 KHz (49m.) - SINPO: 35222, (No interference detected from other station) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660, and homemade loop antenna, suitable for tropical band - Received e-QSL, photos from transmitters of station, and informative: "ESCUCHANDO A COLOMBIA Y EL MUNDO" - (Date of response: June 08, 2016) Response in just 01 day, after sent reception report, by e-mail.- V/S: Mr. Rafael Rodriguez - QTH : rafaelcoldx@yahoo.com
José Maranhão‎ para DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL FEBC Radio - Far East Broadcasting Company 15435 kHz

FEBC Radio - Far East Broadcasting Company - Via Bocaue, The Philippine’s - Shan service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in March 14, 2016; between 0001 - 0026 UTC, on the frequency of 15435 KHz (19 m.) - SINPO: 55444, (No interference detected from other station) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660, and antenna long wire, with 12, 5 meters (External). - Received QSL card full data, cordial letter from Mr. Norita P. Estabillo, and two adhesives of Radio DZAS AM 702, via traditional mail - (Date of response: May 13, 2016) Response in 60 days, after sent reception report, by e-mail.- V/S: Norita P. Estabillo - QTH's : newmedia@febc.org / info@febc.org / norie.estabillo@febc.ph
José Maranhão‎ para DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL WWV Radio Station (NIST) - Fort Collins, CO, USA 2500 kHz
QSL WWV Radio Station (NIST) - Fort Collins, CO, USA 2500 kHz

WWV Radio Station (NIST) - Fort Collins, CO, USA) - English service - Listened in Morrinhos,
 CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in February 28, 2016; between 0430 - 0445 UTC, on
 the frequency of 2.500 KHz (120 m.) - SINPO: 25332, (No interference detected from other
station) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660, and Homemade Loop antenna
(Suitable for tropical waves). - Received only QSL card - (Date of response: May 13, 2016)
Response in 75 days, after sent reception report, by e-mail.- V/S: John Milton - QTH's : feedback@nist.gov / inquiries@nist.gov / nist.radio@boulder.nist.gov
José Maranhão‎ / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL HRI - Hobart Radio International - Via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA) 9955 kHz
HRI - Hobart Radio International - Via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)

HRI - Hobart Radio International - Via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA) - English service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in March 20, 2016; between 0330 - 0358 UTC, on the frequency of 9.955 KHz (31 m.) - SINPO: 45444, (No interference detected from other station) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660, and antenna long wire, with 12, 5 meters (External) - Received e-QSL and e-letter - (Date of response: May 15, 2016) Response in 54 days, after several resending of reception reports, by e-mail.- V/S: Rob Wise - QTH : hriradio@gmail.com
José Maranhão‎DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL Radio Tamazuj 15550 kHz
QSL recibida de Radio Tamazuj en respuesta a un
informe de escucha con archivo de audio incorporado,
escucha realizada el 5 de mayo de 2016 en 15550 kHz
a las 15:00 horas UTC, recibida en 35 días, informe
enviado por E-mail a: radiotamazuj@yahoo.com
José Miguel Romero / Radioescutas
QSL Marconi Radio Internacional 7700 kHz USB y 15070 kHz USB,
QSL´s recibidas de Marconi Radio Internacional en respuesta a dos informes de escucha del 2 de junio de 2016 en 7700 USB y 15070 USB, recibidas en siete días, informes enviados con audios adjuntos.
E-mail marconiradiointernational@gmail.com
José Miguel Romero‎ / Radioescutas
QSL Italian Broadcastig Corporation 6970 kHz
QSL Italian Broadcastig Corporation 6970 kHz
QSL recibida de Italian Broadcastig Corporatión
en respuesta a dos informes de escucha con
archivos de audio incorporados, del 12 y 19 de
mayo de 2016 en 6970 kHz, tardó 20 días en llegar,
informe enviado por E-mail a: ibc@europe.com

José Miguel Romero‎ / Radioescutas
QSL The Isle of Music via Channel 292 / 6070 kHz
QSL The Isle of Music via Channel 292 / 6070 kHz
QSL Electrónica en formato pdf de From The Isle of
Music via Channel 292, recibida en cuatro días en
respuesta a informe enviado con archivo de audio
incluido a E-mail tilfordproductions@gmail.com

José Miguel Romero‎ / Radioescutas
RX: 📻  Malahiteam SDR DSP 5
 📻 TEF 6686
📻 Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium
Antenna: 📡  Delta loop DS Antenas & ghz
and 📡 Telescopic
QTH:  Serra do Roncador (Rural)
City: Nova Xavantina
State: Mato Grosso
Country: Brazil
Site: http://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com.br
e-QSLs please to danielnx18@gmail.com


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