1649- OM with "Radio Merlin International" ID S7 and noisy
1650- "Let's Groove" Earth, Wind and Fire
1652- YL with RMI ID and gave name as DJ Nellie
1654- "It Takes Two" Rob Base
1657- RMI jingle ID and "nobody plays a better variety of music" slogan into "Thinking Of You" Sister Sledge
1702- YL DJ banter into "It's Like That" Run DMC
1715- OM giving a telephone number into "I Want Your Love" YL vocals S8-9 and nice AM audio
1719- YL DJ mentioning RMI website and invited listeners to check it out radiomerlininternational.weebly.com
1728- "Lovely Day" OM vocals
1730- DJ Nellie promo and RMI ID
Thanks for the show RMI!