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Author Topic: Free Radio Victoria 6255 AM 1732 UTC 6/11/16 (via Twente SDR)  (Read 585 times)


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1733- German or Dutch music  S8-9
1737- "Teardrops" Womack and Womack per Shazam
1741- OM talking and mentioned "last years of the 19th century"
1742- "The Eve Of The War" Jeff Wayne, instrumental music piece per Shazam
1746- OM talking and mentioned "Mars, jetting gas and a missle" over music
1748- ID as Free Radio Victoria by OM
1750- "Zomersproetjes" Rocco Granata per Shazam   S9+ and great AM audio!
1753- OM DJ having trouble with equipment and off.
1850- back on with "Hanky Panky"  S9+ and amazing audio!
1851- FRV ID and a shout out to me! Thanks FRV!  ;D
1853- "Don't Answer Me" Alan Parsons Project
1856- music YL vocals but signal suddenly down into the QRN

 Thanks for the show FRV!  :)

« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 1856 UTC by JoeFLIPS »


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