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Author Topic: 11 meter DX Logs 28 September 2016 2000 UTC +  (Read 1481 times)

Offline R4002

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11 meter DX Logs 28 September 2016 2000 UTC +
« on: September 28, 2016, 2040 UTC »
And we're back!

25000 AM - WWV (nice and loud)
25625 AM - Taxi Dispatcher (Spanish-speaking YL with roger beeps and echo)
25910 FM - STL (lots of fading but its there, nice strong carrier when tuned in SSB mode)
26095 AM - Spanish
26225 USB - Spanish
26375 AM - Spanish language, truckers
26425 AM - Spanish language, lots of stations at once
26515 AM - OM doing radio tests "Hola....Hola....Hooolllaaaaa!" etc (nice signal at peaks)
26525 AM - Lot of roger beeps and music/sound FX heard
26535 AM - Music and distorted audio, lots of noise toys/roger beeps etc - fading from S9 down to S3 back up to S9
26555 LSB - Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other Spanish-language traffic heard (S9 to S9+30db VERY loud)
26565 AM - Spanish
26575 AM - Spanish
26585 AM - The usual Mexican QRM (S9 ++ at points)
26605 AM - Spanish, weak
26635 USB - Spanish, two OMs having a QSO
26655 AM - Taxi Dispatcher (Spanish-speaking YL, can hear taxi drivers replying to her)
26665 AM - Taxi Dispatcher (Spanish-speaking YL reading numbers)
26705 AM - Puerto Rico/Miami Florida (Spanish language - VERY strong signals)
26715 AM - Similar traffic as 26705 (likely the same group of stations)
26735 AM - Truckers (English language)
26835 AM - English (US stations, likely Southern USA)
26905 AM - Taxi Dispatcher (Spanish-speaking YL, often heard on this frequency)
26955 AM - Faint traffic heard, unknown language
27015 AM - Spanish language, lots of QRM and splatter from 27025 [CB Channel 5]
27025 AM - The Superbowl (nothing more needs to be said) [CB Channel 6]
27045 AM - Spanish language, possibly a taxi company [not a legal CB channel, but often called "7A"]
27065 AM - Puerto Rico (similar to 26705, 26715, etc) [CB Channel 9]
27125 AM - Truckers [CB Channel 14]
27175 AM - Spanish, lots of QRM [CB Channel 18]
27185 AM - Truckers, ads for truckstops, etc, solid S5 noise floor due to heavy heterodyne [CB Channel 19]
27235 AM - Taxi Dispatcher (Spanish-speaking YL, often heard on this frequency) [CB Channel 24]
27265 AM - US stations working Puerto Rico [CB Channel 26]
27285 AM - Similar to 27265, high powered AM stations (see also, channels 6, 11, etc)
27375 LSB - US SSB traffic with strong AM het[CB channel 37]
27385 LSB - North American SSB Calling Channel [CB Channel 38]
27405 AM - Spanish, YL reading numbers (likely a taxi dispatcher) [CB Channel 40]
27420 USB - Spanish, with QRM from 27425 AM
27425 USB - Spanish, somebody whistling into mic
27425 AM - Spanish, likely taxicabs (with roger beeps)
27430 USB - Mexico, Dominican Republic (heavy QRM from 27425 AM)
27455 USB - Latin American SSB calling frequency, very busy
27475 LSB - Southern US stations with OTH Radar pulses
27505 USB - Spanish
27510 USB - Spanish, very strong
27515 AM - Taxi Dispatcher (often heard on this frequency dispite heavy SSB traffic on/near it)
27520 USB - Spanish
27525 USB - Spanish, weak
27530 USB - Spanish, "10ADxxx" callsigns heard
27535 USB - Spanish, Mexican accents
27555 USB - International Freeband Calling Frequency, Spanish language stations calling CQ and "Hola!"
27560 USB - Spanish
27605 AM - Carrier fading in and out
27625 USB - Spanish
27665 USB - Spanish, with AM carrier het underneath
27695 LSB - Spanish, Puerto Rico mentioned
27765 USB - Somebody whistling into mic
27775 AM - Weak carrier heard, probably a taxicab dispatcher (with heavy OTH Radar QRM)
27845 AM - Taxi Dispatcher (YL talking to OMs, reading numbers)

U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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