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Author Topic: More DX ToolBox Updates (Windows and Macintosh)  (Read 4261 times)

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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More DX ToolBox Updates (Windows and Macintosh)
« on: October 02, 2016, 2037 UTC »
I've released a beta version of DX ToolBox, 4.7.0b1, which includes a new window, one for displaying a list of longwave NDB (Non Directional Beacon) stations.

Enter in a frequency, and you see a list of all beacons on that frequency, along with the pertinent information. It uses the "export_RNA.xls" database file that you can download from the RNA site: http://www.classaxe.com/dx/ndb/rna
(Click the All RNA > Excel button at the bottom of that page to get a fresh copy of the file, which is actually not an Excel file, but rather html) Make sure you keep the "export_RNA.xls" with the DX ToolBox app, if you move files around on your computer.
As with other parts of DX ToolBox, support for the SdrDx SDR app is also included. The NDB window will track frequency along with SdrDx, and you can change the tuned frequency in SdrDx from the window.

Available for Mac and Windows, I've not done extensive testing with Windows yet, so let me know how it goes.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 1531 UTC by ChrisSmolinski »
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
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Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: DX ToolBox 4.7.0b1 with NDB Search Tool
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2016, 2149 UTC »
I've made a few more tweaks to the Beacon window in DX ToolBox, as well as other parts of the software.  Namely the SWBC Schedule window, which displays the broadcast language in plain text rather than just an abbreviation, as well as an option to only display stations actually on the air at that time. Plus some more improvements to the SdrDx interface. There's also SdrDx interface improvements in the AM Stations window.

There's a new beta out, version 4.7.0b2, which is now available on the download page: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/download/dxtoolbox.html
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
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Offline MDK2

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Re: DX ToolBox 4.7.0b1 with NDB Search Tool
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 1110 UTC »
It doesn't appear to be compatible with macOS Sierra (10.12) yet, is that correct?
Denver, CO.
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Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: DX ToolBox 4.7.0b1 with NDB Search Tool
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 1832 UTC »
It doesn't appear to be compatible with macOS Sierra (10.12) yet, is that correct?

The only small issue I have run into is that it won't read the associated files that come with the download, due to "App Translocation" introduced in 10.12 (Google it if you want to see the gory details, it's more Apple Security Theater). There is an easy work around. In Finder, drag the DX ToolBox app out of the downloaded folder. Then drag it back in. That's it. That clears the quarantine bit, and all is well.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
netSDR / AFE822x / AirSpy HF+ / KiwiSDR / 900 ft Horz skyloop / 500 ft NE beverage / 250 ft V Beam / 58 ft T2FD / 120 ft T2FD / 400 ft south beverage / 43m, 20m, 10m  dipoles / Crossed Parallel Loop / Discone in a tree

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: DX ToolBox 4.7.0b1 with NDB Search Tool
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2016, 1531 UTC »
Beta version 4.7.0b2 is available for both Windows and Macintosh from the bottom of this page: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/download/dxtoolbox.html

This update to the beta adds transmitter sites to the Shortwave Schedule window.

This information is sent to SdrDx if you are running it, so you can instantly see what station(s) you might be listening to:

Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
netSDR / AFE822x / AirSpy HF+ / KiwiSDR / 900 ft Horz skyloop / 500 ft NE beverage / 250 ft V Beam / 58 ft T2FD / 120 ft T2FD / 400 ft south beverage / 43m, 20m, 10m  dipoles / Crossed Parallel Loop / Discone in a tree

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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DX ToolBox 4.7.0 released, with Beacon Search Tool
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2016, 2316 UTC »
DX ToolBox 4.7.0 has been released. This version adds a Beacon search tool, which uses a database containing several thousand beacon stations on the longwave and shortwave bands, including NDBs and 10 meter beacons.

It also includes some improvements to the SWBC Schedules window, adding the transmitter site and language name. You can also add your own entries to this window now, in addition to be database provided by EIBI.

Increased integration with the SdrDx app for Windows and Mac OS X is also included.

There are also some updates for macOS 10.12 Sierra.

DX Toolbox is available from http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/ham-shortwave-radio-propagation-software.html
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
netSDR / AFE822x / AirSpy HF+ / KiwiSDR / 900 ft Horz skyloop / 500 ft NE beverage / 250 ft V Beam / 58 ft T2FD / 120 ft T2FD / 400 ft south beverage / 43m, 20m, 10m  dipoles / Crossed Parallel Loop / Discone in a tree


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