2301 UTC Hearing music over the noise here with some fading...2302 faded out

2309 UTC Audio back up for a bit and faded out at 2310
2331 UTC Signal jumped up nicely! "Truckin"-Grateful Dead

2335 UTC Fade out again....
2347 UTC Up again for a bit, but can't make out what Dead tune is playing
2351 UTC OM with "Rave on Radio broadcasting from a studio in the woods"

0000 UTC OM chatting now but I can't make out what is being said
0002 UTC Still hearing some threshold music
0005 UTC Nice fade up! Shazam says "I Need A Miracle/Bertha"-Live at University of Iowa 8/10/1982
0011 UTC OM with "Rave On Radio" ID's and email addy raveonradio@gmail.com
0012 UTC OFF?
Thanks for the Halloween appearance ROR! Great to hear you again....