How to use the phasing adjustment with SdrDx, an AFE822 SDR, and your Mac.
Download the Mac beta (Windows version coming soon) of SdrDx: you have not used SdrDx before or recently, first download the stable version, and run that: page: yourself with SdrDx if you have not used it before. You need two antennas of course, one plugged into each of the AFE822 inputs.
To use phasing:
Click on the PHA button, turn on Dial Channel Phasing Mode. Click OK to close the window.
Click the Run button to get the SDR into Run mode. Tune in whatever MW frequency you want to use. Ideally one with two stations you can hear at the same time. Graveyard channels are great for this. Be sure to put the SDR center frequency offset from that. For example if you want to null 1300 AM, make the center frequency 1305 or something like that. Or the I/Q imbalance will cause problems.
Click the PHA button to open the phasing window again. You want to keep it open now.
Make sure the Invert checkbox is off, the Both Channels On radio button is on. Set the Phase slider to the middle, both Gains to zero, far left.
Adjust the first Gain slider to bring the signal level up to a reasonable level. S9. S9+10, whatever you want. Make a note of it.
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Now adjust the second Gain slider to bring the signal level up to where it was before with the first RF input. The goal here is to make the signal levels about the same, so you can begin the process of nulling out one of the stations, with some chance of it working.
Click Both Channels On now, so you have both RF inputs active.
Adjust the Phase control, until you notice a dip in the signal strength. Try to get it centered in the dip as close as possible.
Then adjust one of the gain sliders, I usually use the one with the largest value to make things easier, to increase the dip in the signal strength.
Then go back to the Phase control, and try to increase the dip. You may now notice the dominant station starting to be nulled, by listening to it.
Then, like washing your hair, lather, rinse, repeat. You have to iterate back and forth many many times. Eventually, if your two antennas produce different enough signals for the two stations, you will be able to null it out. There are cases where you cannot null out one station, because the antennas produce the same signal for both of them. So nulling out one also nulls out the other. But this is rare.
You can click in the invert checkbox, and reception should switch to the other station. Listen to some of my recordings to hear this in action. You are changing the phase by 180 degrees when you do this.