5150 kHz is a frequency that is in my monitor list, I have a radio plotting that freq every day from 1000 UTC to 1800 UTC. Not for the relay station, I have never been able to receive it here, but because it is a freq also used by a South Korean numbers station (V24) for three transmissions each month.
This morning at 1330 I had a signal on freq, with music. V24 starts each transmission with music, so I figured it was V24 opening a new time slot of operation. But that song led to another song, not normal for V24, and then into another song.
So I started swinging antennas around and trying to get an arrival angle on the signal, thinking it was some Asian or Pacific station I have not caught before. But the direction of arrival made no sense.
40 minutes later I click on the HFU Ryver chat (it was open the whole time, but minimized) and see reference to the relay station....DOH!
I have never heard the 5150 kHz Relay station before, so I never connected it. But I had it for about 25 or 30 minutes this morning for the first time at a usable level.