Hi Folks,
Just thought I would add to this conversation, by way of an introduction.
I operate a HiFER beacon "PVC" on 13,558.4 kHz, in the San Francisco Bay Area, and monitor the 22 m band relatively frequently.
Recently (earlier this week) I took a small portable set around town with me, just to monitor the beacon signal whilst out walking. Even in a semi-rural area - houses and utility poles, no industry - there were quite a few spots where other signals sprang up, within +/- 2 kHz of the centre frequency of the receiver. These were often very localised - audible for perhaps a couple of hundred feet along the street and rapid dashes etc. where certainly amongst what was heard. By contrast, the beacon was audible except in a couple of descrete places. It is not often we can get up and walk around whilst listening, but in this band, it can be worthwhile to help discriminate signal types.
By the way, any reports of PVC would be most welcome.