1951- rock music "Sign Of The Gypsy Queen" April Wine S1-2
1955- OM with Amphetamine Radio ID
1957- "Time Bomb" Rancid
1958- "Eat The Rich" Motorhead
2004- AR ID into "Twentieth Century Fox" The Doors
2012- AR ID then SSTV (Scottie 1 mode)
2016- CW ID and SSTV (this one isn't triggering the decode program)
2018- "Cumbersome" Seven Mary Three
2023- "I'll Wait" Van Halen S1 signal at best here
2036- AR ID into rock music
2040- "Mexican Radio" Wall Of Voodoo
2050- some S2-3 peaks then quickly back down to S1
2051- song by Weezer
2101- CW and SSTVs
2115- "Plowed" Sponge
2119- "The Trooper" Iron Maiden
2134- "Black Sunshine" White Zombie
2136- OM with AR ID then SSTV
2153- "West End Girls" Pet Shop Boys
Thanks for the broadcast AR and the SSTV QSL!