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Author Topic: M89 Chinese Military loggings.  (Read 1064 times)

Offline Looking-Glass

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M89 Chinese Military loggings.
« on: May 06, 2017, 2305 UTC »
Some M89 stations logged last night and early hours of this morning:

1024z  6.793MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" Chinese Military 419 report.
1025z  8.060MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" Chinese Military 569 report.
2036z  3.777MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" Chinese Military 419 report.
2037z  4.532MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" Chinese Military 539 report.
2039z  4.847MHz  CW  "v 6TGU 6TGU 6TGU de GR4W GR4W" Chinese Military 219-319 report.

Can any one verify the "6TGU" element of the 4.847MHz CW logging?  Spent near 15 minutes trying to get it out and battling interference from Indonesians chatting on 4.848MHz USB.

I know I got the "GR4W" part correct but the other is not 100% confirmed, maybe someone has it?  Not on the latest Enigma 2000 listing Number 100... ???

Also heard an American SAC announcer on 4.724MHz USB announcing series of numbers around 2015z with huge echo on the signal with everything repeated as a result, 5X5 report on verge of Grey Line approaching here, probably Guam?

« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 2309 UTC by Looking-Glass »
Condobolin, NSW.

Grid Square:  QF37ub

Yaesu FT-1000D, Yaesu FT-2000D, ICOM IC-736 HF/50MHz, ICOM IC R75 & Tecsun S-2000 to 450 feet of wire, 27MHz 1/2 wave CB antenna converted to 21MHz & a multi band vertical of dubious reliability.


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