0036 UTC "Molly Darling"-Eddie Arnold at S7 peaks and light fades
0039 UTC "This is Johnny Tobacco.....6300 kilohertz", into "I'll Sail My Ship Alone"-Moon Mullican
0041 UTC "This is Triple L Radio...Operator Johnny Tobacco", then back to Moon Mullican
0042 UTC And a Good Morning to you also JT!
0048 UTC Sounding good here tonight JT!
0055 UTC "Bachelor Man"-Lucky Tubb & the Modern Day Troubadors
0113 UTC "Cafe Zonder Bier"-Bobbejaan Schoepen
0115 UTC Shoutouts to all of us posting
0121 UTC "Last song before closedown", into "Geef mij de wodka Anuschka"-Black and White
0126 UTC "Johnny Tobacco from Triple L Studios"....shoutouts to all of us...thanks JT!
Thanks for the entertainment tonight Mr Tobacco!