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Author Topic: 11 Meter Band DX Opening Logs 22 May 2017 1600+ UTC  (Read 1331 times)

Offline R4002

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11 Meter Band DX Opening Logs 22 May 2017 1600+ UTC
« on: May 22, 2017, 1825 UTC »
Another morning/early afternoon 11 meter 26 MHz 27 MHz band opening log, yes, here it is. 

Started monitoring around 1600 UTC May 22, 2017.  Lots of Latin American traffic, as usual, but the US frequencies of 26915, 27025, 27085, 27265, 27285 and 27385 were all active as well.  Our usual friends that hang around 27665 to 27705 were also booming in nicely, especially on 27695.  Did catch the tail end of a SSTV transmission on 27700 but haven't heard anything else since on that frequency, save for some very minor splatter from 27695 and 27705.

25000 AM - WWV, weak but readable, with some pretty serious QSB/fading
25615 AM - Spanish speaking taxi dispatch lady (weak) - this is Channel 1 on band A on most export radios
25775 AM - Spanish speaking YL taxicab dispatcher
25910 FM - Barely readable STL Studio Transmitter Link 85.4Hz CTCSS PL tone carrier
26005 AM - Spanish speaking taxi lady YL dispatcher (commonly heard in the lower bands 25615-26515)
26075 AM - Spanish language, taxi cab dispatcher lady with roger beep
26105 AM - Truckers, English language
26225 USB - Spanish speaking traffic. Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Florida and Mexico mentioned
26365 AM - Spanish language, lots of stations talking at once
26375 AM - Similar to 26365 AM
26405 AM - Truckers, commonly logged frequency during band openings
26545 USB - Strong FSK signal
26585 AM - Spanish language, Mexican trucker common frequency
26605 AM - Spanish language, likely from Mexico
26625 AM - Spanish language, much weaker than usual
26685 AM - Spanish language, Mexican accents
26695 USB - Strong FSK signal (26700 kHz in AM mode)
26705 AM - Spanish "Superbowl" - very strong and overmodulated signals (Puerto Rico, etc)
26715 AM - Same as 26705
26735 AM - Truckers, English language (see also, 27635 AM)
26775 AM - Truckers, English language
26790 USB - FSK signal
26865 AM - English language, southern accents
26895 AM - English language, sounds like truckers
26905 AM - English language, southern accents mixing in with Spanish speaking YL taxi dispatcher lady
26915 AM - Low channel calling frequency, US stations (mostly from the South)
26955 AM - "Big Radio 549 Texas" and other stations talking, strong signals
26965 AM - CB Channel 1 - several American stations heard
26975 AM - CB Channel 2 - Spanish OM heard, lots of echo/reverb and roger beep
26985 AM - CB Channel 3 - "Give that mudduck a run for his money now!" "Hello CK!"
26995 FM - RC/data channel FSK signal, possibly local telemetry or radio data link
26995 AM - Channel "3A" Spanish voice traffic heard when data link isn't transmitting
27005 AM - CB Channel 4 - Spanish language, getting obliterated by splatter/QRM from 27025
27025 AM - CB Channel 6 - "The Superbowl" almost nonstop wall-to-wall overmodulated powerful signals
27035 AM - CB Channel 7 - Spanish language sometimes heard through splatter from 27025
27055 AM - CB Channel 8 - Carrier with very weak modulation
27085 AM - CB Channel 11 - Similar to 27025
27135 AM - CB Channel 15 - Similar to 27025
27145 FM - RC/data channel, FSK signal heard
27165 AM - CB Channel 17 - Similar to 27025
27185 AM - CB Channel 19 - Truckers, etc (sounds like one of the "graveyard" AM frequencies at night)
27195 AM - RC/data channel, aka channel 19A - American stations heard AM voice
27215 AM - CB Channel 21 - Several powerhouse signals heard
27225 AM - CB Channel 22 - "106 in the Love Country and I'm back quiet"
27235 AM - CB Channel 24 - Spanish language taxi dispatcher
27255 AM - CB Channel 23 - English language stations, with Spanish heard underneath and splatter from 27265
27255 FM - CB Channel 23 - Pager or radio data link system (underneath AM voice traffic on same frequency)
27265 AM - CB Channel 26 - Similar to 27025, but with [slightly] cleaner signals
27270 AM - Strong carrier keyups with FSK data bursts (unusual frequency)
27275 AM - CB Channel 27 - Spanish language
27285 AM - CB Channel 28 - Similar to 27265
27305 AM - CB Channel 30 - Spanish language, then English-speaking stations
27335 AM - CB Channel 33 - English language, southern accents
27345 AM - CB Channel 34 - Truckers, mention of "King George"
27365 LSB - CB Channel 36 - US stations, several accents heard, casual QSO, mention of "Republic of Texas"
27375 LSB - CB Channel 37 - Stations calling CQ DX, alternate channel to 38LSB
27385 LSB - CB Channel 38 - SSB DX calling channel, very very busy
27390 LSB - English speaking traffic, mention of Texas, Arkansas
27395 LSB - CB Channel 39 - Domestic US stations
27405 AM - CB Channel 40 - Spanish language
27415 AM - Spanish language, YL speaking, likely taxicab company dispatcher
27425 LSB - English language (American stations) - strong signals
27430 LSB - English language (American stations)
27430 USB - Spanish language
27435 USB - Spanish language
27440 LSB - English language, midwestern accents (see also 27445 LSB)
27445 LSB - English language, midwestern accents
27445 AM - Spanish language YL taxi dispatcher
27455 USB - Spanish language calling frequency, very busy
27465 LSB - English language
27470 LSB - English language
27475 USB - Spanish language, Mexican accents
27495 LSB - Spanish language (not same traffic as 27495 USB)
27495 USB - Spanish language
27505 AM - English language, very long QSO, possibly poachers or hunters (consistently strong signals)
27515 LSB - English language Jamaican accents - Knight Patrol CB Club (Jamaica) primary frequency
27515 AM - Spanish language YL taxi cab dispatcher
27535 LSB - Spanish language with lots of echo and sound FX
27550 USB - Strong FSK signal
27565 LSB - English language, 864 Indiana calling 1877
27575 AM - Spanish language, possibly taxis
27585 LSB - Spanish language, heavily distorted
27600 LSB - Spanish language, with QRM from 27605 AM
27605 AM - Truckers, English language
27615 LSB - Spanish language, very strong signals
27635 AM - Truckers, English language, talking about traffic (this is CB channel 19 "up one band")
27655 USB - Spanish language
27665 LSB - Spanish language
27665 USB - Spanish language
27680 USB - Spanish language, possibly related to other 276xx frequencies (seems to be a pattern here with this portion of the 27 MHz band)
27695 LSB - Spanish language - very strong and very active - strongly reminds me of our friends from 6900 kHz LSB, mention of Venezuela
27695 USB - Spanish language, sporadic signal
27700 USB - Tail end of SSTV signal heard
27705 LSB - Spanish language
27775 AM - Truckers English language
27890 AM/FM - Strong carrier, thought it could have been UK CB on 27891 / 27891.25, but no modulation heard
27925 LSB - Spanish, weak
27955 AM - Truckers, English language
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 1859 UTC by R4002 »
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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