Broadcast transmissions or recorded transmissions have often been logged CB radio channel 19 - 27.185 MHz AM or 27185 kHz AM. However, most of the time I hear YLs doing these broadcasts. The rest of the band seems somewhat quiet, save for channel 6 - 27.025 MHz AM (of course), channel 15 (27.135 MHz AM) and some local traffic on channel 22 (27.225 MHz AM). Since CH 22 is often used for "shooting skip" and the locals here run power...they often shoot skip on the local channel. Channel 19 is a different story though, due to the sheer number of transmissions going at once.
The 11 meter band seems to be opening up a bit early this afternoon (eastern US time). I'm hearing a OM voice advertising a truck wash and polish service "switch to 23 for full service" which may or may not be actually an advertisement for truckstop whores (as these ads usually are, but they usually feature a YL with a sexy-sounding voice, as female voices over the radio tend to grab a lot more attention). This is, of course, on top of the usual heterodyne heard on channel 19 during band openings. Bits and pieces of voice, a number here, a roger beep there, and lots of heterodynes.
Started listening to 27.185 MHz / CB 19 at 1600 UTC on July 1, 2017. Fingers crossed the band conditions will continue to get better. I don't hear anything above channel 40 or below channel 1 (the freeband CB radio frequencies) just yet.