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Author Topic: M89, V26 & VC03 logs for July 2017  (Read 1764 times)

Offline Looking-Glass

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M89, V26 & VC03 logs for July 2017
« on: July 21, 2017, 0214 UTC »
Adverse propagation this month has given some outstanding openings on the lower bands of HF with some new M89 loggings and some other weird and wonderful unidentified stations about on CW:

1810z  3.642MHz  CW  "v DKG6 DKG6 DKG6 de 3A7D 3A7D" 319 report.
1744z  3.777MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" 419-539 report.

1745z  4.060MHz  CW  "v TR2Q TR2Q TR2Q de 5TUH 5TUH" 319-419 report.
1234z  4.060MHz  CW  "v GJHS GJHS GJHS de 5GFD 5GFD 5GFD" new round slip was TR2Q/5TUH 07th July. 529 report.
1815z  4.131MHz  CW  "v JKDJ JKDJ JKDJ de SLBC SLBC" New logging, 419 report.
1746z  4.532MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" This round slip never seems to change. 559 report.
1748z  4.609MHz  CW  "v ED3C ED3C ED3C de VF4R VF4R" New round slip was FIK3/H4JH 07th July. 419 report.
1121z  4.609MHz  CW  "v FIK3 FIK3 FIK3 de3 H4JH H4JH" 529 report.
1329z  4.620MHz  CW  "vvv Q2M Q2M Q2M de ZNYZ NYZ" Very quick CW this one. 559 report.

1559z  6.053MHz  CW  "v GJHS GJHS GJHS de 5GFD 5GFD" New logging. 319-519 report.
1027z  6.793MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" 549 report.
1813z  6.840MHz  CW  "vvv Q2M Q2M Q2M de NYZ NYZ" 429 report.

1830z  7.602MHz  CW  "v DKG6 DKG6 DKG6 de 3A7D 3A7D" 539-559 report.

1028z  8.060MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" 599 report, always strong here.
1226z  8.290MHz  CW  "vvv Q2M Q2M Q2M de NYZ NYZ" 419 report, always Q2M round slip quick CW.

1057z  10.178MHz  CW  "v FIK3 FIK3 FIK3 de H4JH H4JH" New round slip, was 6TGU/GR4W 07th July. 429 report.
1030z  10.178MHz  CW  "v 6TGU 6TGU 6TGU de GR4W GR4W" Round slip change, see above, 319 report.
0925z  10.640MHz  CW  "vvv Q2M Q2M Q2M de NYZ NYZ" 219-319 report. Took 15 minutes to get this one out. Quick CW as per Q2M format.

Others fone:

1107z  8.143MHz  USB  Female repeating something over and over, sounds Korean, 5X9 plus 10dB over report.

0755z  8.152MHz  USB  VC03 possibly? Chinese male announcing numbers in blocks, then another station (male) repeats. Main 5X6, read back 5X2.

2006z  8.530MHz  USB  "573/22 573/22 573/22 573/22" over and over. 5X2 report.

0945z  9.054MHz  USB  V26 Chinese female announcing numbers. 5X2 report.

Others CW:

1837z  5.442MHz  CW  "de CLT" then groups of 5 X letters. 539 report.

2134z  8.120MHz  CW  "de YPB de YPB de YPB k" Unidentified, maybe Indonesian? 219-319 report.

1002z  9.239MHz  CW  "de FDM FDM FDM" then groups of mixed letters/numbers. 319-419 report.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 0357 UTC by Looking-Glass »
Condobolin, NSW.

Grid Square:  QF37ub

Yaesu FT-1000D, Yaesu FT-2000D, ICOM IC-736 HF/50MHz, ICOM IC R75 & Tecsun S-2000 to 450 feet of wire, 27MHz 1/2 wave CB antenna converted to 21MHz & a multi band vertical of dubious reliability.


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