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Author Topic: 5952kHz, 0200-0225Z - August 2, Emisora Pio XII  (Read 1320 times)

Offline Chanter

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5952kHz, 0200-0225Z - August 2, Emisora Pio XII
« on: August 02, 2017, 0252 UTC »
I don't hardly believe this!  I'm still wondering if it wasn't a slightly off frequency WRMI, and whether I'll be foiled again, but I really do think that this time, I've actually caught Emisora Pio XII out of Bolivia.  Spanish-language programming with what sounded like adverts or announcements of some kind just after the hour, including a reference to 'for more information', and multiple telephone numbers.  One was definitely a La Paz number, with the city given before the number itself.  Into news, at least in format, read by a male presenter, in Spanish with an accent that could have been a Quechua influence.  Then music with a distinctly Andean flare; the rhythms reminded me strongly of the desert blues out of North Africa, which made me wonder if this was WRMI's music service, but there were flutes involved that were very Andean.  Signal good overall, but with loud static crashes.  

What do folks say?  Bolivia, or a straying Floridian?  I checked EiBi, and Miami goes off at 0200Z, so I am strongly inclined toward the former...  
« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 1132 UTC by Chanter »
Madison, WI, U.S.A. 
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Re: 5952kHz, 0200-0225Z - August 2, Emisora Pio XII probable
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2017, 0320 UTC »
South America has been reaching us tonight, so I say that's a likely yes.
Denver, CO.
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