So I found myself thinking about the 11 meter band beacon project again, only this time I'm looking at it at a different angle. Instead of building a transmitter around a set of crystals or using an old pager transmitter, I'm going to use an export radio. The radio does have a regular 4-pin microphone connector and a CW key jack on the back.
I have the following equipment:
*Superstar 3900 transceiver (made in Taiwan, EPT360011Z or EPT3600-11Z main board, built by Ranger/RCI)
frequency coverage 25615-28305 kHz 25.615-28.305 MHz continuously (channelized into 6 bands of 40 channels but has +10 kHz switch and +/- 5 kHz and +/- 1 kHz transmit/receive clairifers
*Antron-99 CB vertical CB antenna (currently in storage but in good condition)
*11 meter dipole antenna kit
*Possible transmit location located on top of an industrial fabrication shop in the downtown area of a medium sized city on the East Coast of the USA, with access to mains (120 Volt AC, 60Hz) power.
My plan is to drop the transmit power of the Superstar 3900 down to 3-4 watts or so to reduce strain on the transmitter.
The missing piece is the CW generator. I'm looking for something that doesn't draw a lot of power but will key the radio continuously, without the need for operator intervention. Does anybody have an experience building a beacon of this type? I plan on putting the radio on a frequency like 27500 kHz or 27510 kHz (as 27.500 MHz is the commonly accepted frequency for CW activity on 11 meters).
Anybody have any recommendations or experience putting together a project like this? I admire the Common and Precious III beacon operating in Europe and want to have a similar beacon operating in my part of the world.