October 8 2010 @ 05:30 utc 6.837 usb
me and Weak both heard this What is it 
Looks like sixteen different 'tones' or frequency 'slots' at any one time (in the recorded BW anyway) viewing an audio spectrogram that's updated in real-time as the audio is being played, and the tones slowly all 'drift' down (linearly seem to shift) in frequency (as Seamus observed using high-speed playback) ...
The fading may be due, at least in part, to fading/selective fading. The actual signal may be 16 tones.
I'd say propagation experiment, or a new analysis tool for evaluating a 'path' ... can't say that much data is being moved this way, but it is possible it's a comms taking place, although I have never seen a 'standard' that used drifting tones like these ...
Here's what Spectran shows: