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Author Topic: HM01 missing again  (Read 1718 times)

Offline MDK2

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HM01 missing again
« on: November 03, 2017, 1816 UTC »
I had posted about this under "other" since some apparent freebanders showed up, but decided to combine that with the news that HM01 is once again missing from its 1600/1700/1800 block of transmissions.

I was tuned in for HM01's daily 1600 broadcast on 11435 AM like usual, but it had trouble. Despite a nice strong carrier, the actual audio was severely undermodulated, and the transmission cut out around 1603. I stayed on it in case it came back, but it never did. Nor was it ever on 11530, or 11635 as of this posting (1816z).

But what DID come up were some presumed freebanders. They first appeared around 1632 and were still there at 1652. Very strange to see them on a frequency known for HM01 to every SWLer and HF operator in the Western Hemisphere.

UPDATE: HM01 was not heard at all at 11530/1700z, 11635/1800z, 11635/2100z, or 10715/2200z as would normally be expected. I didn't stay up to check if the 04 NOV broadcasts for 0500-1000z broadcast at all or not.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 1832 UTC by MDK2 »
Denver, CO.
SDRPlay RSPdx & RSP2pro, Airspy Discovery HF+, Icom IC-7100, Grundig Satellit 750, Realistic DX-300, Tecsun PL-600.
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eQSLs appreciated wickerjennie at gmail

Offline R4002

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Re: HM01 missing again
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2017, 1824 UTC »
The freebanders in question could be using the strong HM01 transmission as "cover" (I've noticed this behavior before - they use frequencies very close to known high-power transmissions).  What else could you tell about the freebanders? 
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m

Offline MDK2

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Re: HM01 missing again
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2017, 2249 UTC »
Not much, I'm afraid. I recall that there were two parties at least, more of the rapid chatter types than the "ham out of band" kind. No habla espaņol, so I have little idea what they were talking about.
Denver, CO.
SDRPlay RSPdx & RSP2pro, Airspy Discovery HF+, Icom IC-7100, Grundig Satellit 750, Realistic DX-300, Tecsun PL-600.
MLA-30 active loop, G5RV dipole.
eQSLs appreciated wickerjennie at gmail


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