I am thinking U might look at an old Ham Low Power rig. Maybe a DX40, DX 60. These rigs have grid modulation which is el cheapo, but a small 15-20 watt Hi FI amp and a modulation transformer (these are scare as hens teeth), and of course a Xtal for 6.5 MHz band (just below ham 40 meters), you are pretty much set to go. Remember too much bleed in the water (high power) and regulator operations attract the FCC sharks. They have Long Distance DFing. If I go to transmit, its surely less than 100 watts. Its sad to say we tolerate war, murder and drug dealers, but the Feds go after the jolly Rodgers of free radio.
BTW, you cut the B plus line and use that as the secondary. The transformer isolates the HV from your audio source.

Caveat here from when I was 16 and knew enough to kill myself. The DX series are HV in 600 volt DC range that will cause an immediate muscle spasm in a young dude and he will throw the piece.. sadly in an old dude, it might cause cardiac arrest.
Yes, things did go flying ..