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Author Topic: Radio Free Whatever 6950 USB 2027 UTC 25 Dec 2017  (Read 2906 times)

Offline noshojones

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Re: Radio Free Whatever 6950 USB 2027 UTC 25 Dec 2017
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2017, 2154 UTC »
2154 S9 Sounds Good
Nosho Jones
Point Place, Ohio
Radio: G90 IC-7000 IC-7300
Antenna: End Fed Long Wire
QSL to noshojones@gmail.com

Offline hammarhead

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Re: Radio Free Whatever 6950 USB 2027 UTC 25 Dec 2017
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2017, 2156 UTC »
S6 into NE Ohio at 21:55 UTC, pretty much just above the noise here.
Location: NE Ohio

Offline ByteBORG

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Re: Radio Free Whatever 6950 USB 2027 UTC 25 Dec 2017
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2017, 2201 UTC »
2200 - S9 on the Yaesu at home - DJ thanks John Poet

2203 - Sign off/QRT
Caught only the tail of the Show, must have been a h00t !!!

Merry Christmas RFW !!!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 2207 UTC by ByteBORG »
+ Always listening for that elusive RF...
+ microtelecom Perseus / FunCube Dongle Pro+ / FT450-D / FT101-D
+ RF Sys EMF  / RF Sys MLB w/Long Wire / HomeBrew Inverted "V" cut for 43 mtrs.
+ 73 & Good DX !!!
+ Please eQSL to: s<dot>csiki<at>comcast<dot>net

Offline bigd

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Re: Radio Free Whatever 6950 USB 2027 UTC 25 Dec 2017
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2017, 2207 UTC »
2036:   Unidentified music selection.  Fantastic signal into Chicago- west suburbs. (S/9).   :)
2041:  "Chad Magellan song.  Favorite mind hijacker-DJ Dickweed on Christmas afternoon."  "Hello Americans, Dickweed robbing shows, Happy Hanukkah, song called Vanilla, having some trouble."   Deep fades  (S/5).
2044:  Vanilla song?  Better (S/6).
2046:  Strong S/9.  :)
2052:  RFW station ID.
2052:  Unidentified music selection. S/9, still strong.
2056:  S/9, booming in.
2058:  "Better than nothing, better than no Christmas at all, DJ Dickweed here- shout out to me, hope the weather conditions hold up.  Line and Circle- Vicious Folly on RFW."  (S/9).
2104:  RFW station ID.
2104:  Unidentified music selection.  (S/8).
2108:  "Oh oh."
2108:  Unidentified music selection (S/8).
2112:  RFW ID.  Urban Renewal Project- what a terrible drop out during that song.  Sorry about that, Merry Christmas , I'll take requests to email address,  here's a 90's tune- Run and Hide on RFW!" (S/9.)
2116:  RFW promo ID. 
2116:  Unidentified music selection.  (S/9).
2120:  "Here is Toking the Night Away on RFW for all of those who are gonna smoke some weed tonight."  (S/9, strong).
2124:  "Whatever" ID- Valley Girl style.  Still S/9, strong.
2124:  Unidentified music selection.  (S/9).
2129:  Unidentified music selection.  (S/9).
2133:  "That was the Obliques- 70's disco song with long socks etc..Talks about a transmitter at the beginning of the song so I thought it was cool.  Eclectic mix of music, songs about whores album that I found this song is all about whores on RFW."  (S/9).
2135:  Whore music selection.
2139:  DJ Dickweed is on the air.  RFW ID. "Whatever."  ID promos.  Strong, S/9.
2139:  Unidentified music selection.  (S/9).
2142:  Unidentified music selection.  (S/9).
2146:  RFW ID. " Dickweed could piss off your wife, I think I'm running out of propagation here.  A couple of more songs in here in RFW."
2148:  You told me what this selection was, but I forgot.  Ugh. (S/9).
2151:  RFW station ID promos. (S/8).
2151:  Dropped down, S/4.  Unidentified music selection.
2155:  RFW station ID into unidentified music selection. S/7, better.
2159:  "That was by Albert Folk.  Do you remember the Indie Rock band, no it was some other project out there.  I can predict the future with winter propagation, so I realize that I went on early for Indie pop/rock, hope you enjoyed it."  Dropped out at 2200.  Back at 2201- "Merry Christmas to all, I'm done for now, email address given, happy whatever you celebrate, bye have a good night."
2203:  S/O.

Thanks for the show!!

ICOM IC-R8600 fed into a 41' RF Systems MLBA-MK1 long wire antenna running vertically at approximately 45 degrees from roof to ground.
QTH 22 miles west of Chicago.
Please eQSL to cactus9@sbcglobal.net


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